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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/15 in all areas

  1. Thought id share some tips and hopefully learn from others. If anyone has any more that would be great! For quicker development of players and staff:- Ambition, Professionalism, Adaptability- put to 99 Nation Youth Rating- Maximum 250, allows a larger amount of regens of wonderkids of the said nation. Youth academy & youth recruitment- Maximum 99 to allow higher quality regens. Consistancy and Important matches: 25 for longer better performances
    1 point
  2. Hello everyone! Well, i cant access the translation area to post it, then ill do it here. I noticed that translation to portuguese(PT) is outdated since fmrte 14 i think, then i decided to make a new one. The translation is based on original English and have some extra infos(for example, in prefered moves) Attention! I not change the original position of information. I think theres no erros in translation(i not saw any bad lang file), but if you found, please report and ill fix it(or do it by yourself) Thanks =D To install correctly, follow this steps: 1. Download portugues.xml for FMRTE 15 or portugues16.xml for FMRTE 16(yes it different), 2. Go to Languages folder inside FMRTE and paste your file. 3. Open FMRTE and go to Settings, then, select Português(BR) and save. 4. Hit the reload screen button on FMRTE and enjoy! Publicação em Português: Olá a todos! Eu percebi que há muito tempo não há uma atualização da tradução em Portugues, e por isso, eu decidi criar uma. A tradução original, para alguns, pode também ser um pouco estranha(como foi para mim)o que me motivou a criar essa versão em PT-BR (chega de guarda-redes e avançados!). Aproveitei para adicionar algumas informações extras que vocês encontrarão e ajudarão a esclarecer as funções do FMRTE(como por exemplo nos movimentos preferidos). Foi utilizado a versão de tradução original do arquivo em Ingles para fazer esta tradução, portanto, não modifiquei nenhuma posição nem nada do genero. Eu acho que não há nenhum erro na tradução, mas, se você encontrar algum, por favor reporte neste post para que eu possa corrigir. Para instalar corretamente, siga as instruções: 1. Faça o download do arquivo portugues.xml(FMRTE15) ou portugues16.xml(FMRTE16). 2. Vá para a pasta onde instalou o FMRTE, procure pela pasta Languages e copie para dentro o arquivo baixado. 3. Abre o FMRTE, vá para Settings e busque pela nova tradução no capo de Idiomas. O nome é Português(BR). 4. Salve a alteração, pressione o botão para recarregar(ou reinicie o FMRTE apos salvar) e aproveite! portugues16.xml
    1 point
  3. Select the desired club -> Finances tab -> Click on the '+' button on the Loans Section
    1 point
  4. Hi please make sure you are running FMRTE as Administrator (right click on FMRTE icon select "Run as Administrator") this is the most common issue for the behavior you are describing also please note that some changes only take effect after you advance a few days in the game.
    1 point
  5. Hi when you say you cant edit what is the behavior of the application? Does it save and you dont see changes in the game? Does it default back to the previous values when you press save? Does it give an error?
    1 point
  6. You can now use the injuries tab when you edit a player in that tab you can add \ remove injuries. Another alternative is you use a preset for example the heal team feature is a preset that removes injuries
    1 point
  7. In what sense? Scouting players with scouts and/or player search? Scouting for youth talent as Godlike possibly mentioned above?
    1 point
  8. Use red and black as they are for the moment the primary colours that BraCa is using. How about having a football in the background on a pitch?
    1 point
  9. No this is working as intended that restriction was remove this year FMRTE now works in classic mode now called touch mode
    1 point
  10. Make those changes and then shift the full name to the right as there needs to be some space on the ends of the full name.
    1 point
  11. Under the freezer setting, in the FMRTE menu/settings, there is a Freezer settings option, there there is an option on the top, where you can check a box, that says: "Attributes can increase"..., check that, and now all people should be able to increase reputation and so.
    1 point
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