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  1. That's a bit rude. Why didn't you check the forum or the site first before purchasing? Why blame FMRTE on just your "belief"? Why not be patient like everyone else? FMRTE have no compulsion to do ANYTHING. Remember that, you ignorant individual.
    1 point
  2. Current Screen feature is very volatile this is not new in FMRTE try to change to a different player and back again to the desired player or navigate the tabs of the player sometimes this helps. Tip: i usually click on the up and down arrows close to the players name in the search bar even before i try to click the current screen in FMRTE it usually does the trick i dont even think about it its kinda muscle memory. Give it a try let me know the result.
    1 point
  3. Windows 10 comes with .Net Framework 4.6 so FMRTE should run without any problems there is no need to worry about .Net Framework requirements with Windows 10. In case someone need to install here is a link for the latest version: .Net Framework 4.6
    1 point
  4. you are a legend much appreciated
    1 point
  5. FMRTE - Released Download: FMRTE Autoupdate or http://www.fmrte.com/download/fmrte16 Changelog Build 7 Added Ability to add/remove languages to persons Fixed Cities Attraction Local regions Current Screen and Mini-FMRTE Search filter/mass edit player value Euro Coeficients are now only visible for European countries Sponsors value
    1 point
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