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  1. god news for many people - 5 euro is cheap for a program there is unique
    2 points
  2. I am here just to help BraCa maintain FMRTE as you probably know he just simply don't have the same time that he use to have to support FMRTE (he as a day job like many ppl not a student anymore) and therefore he ask if i could help him. Many people probably don't have idea of the amount of work that he have done here and the amount of work necessary to keep up with the constant updates of the Game, i will take this opportunity to say that actually makes me sad when i see ppl asking for a discount on 5€ piece of software that as so much work on (in my country a pack of cigarettes cost that same 5€ and its bad for you!). On the order hand i also see some great support from you guys and recognition for his work which is probably what keeps him going, if i was in his shoes i would have probably quit buy now lol please keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion and as nothing to do with BraCa. Its a him and as i have said just helping BraCa maintaining FMRTE coding\testing\support. I will also take the opportunity to congratulate you GREYFOX for your excellent work helping people on the forum This issue is being addressed atm This is the kind of support i was referring and we will look into chairman status.
    2 points
  3. Exactly, been using FMRTE heavily in every save game since FM2012 and never had it crash or corrupt a save game, if people experience this they are doing it wrong, it pisses me off when people act like FMRTE is so badly coded it crashes constantly and breaks games, it's not FMRTE that does that it's the person using it.
    2 points
  4. I don't think this can be fixed with FMRTE. Have you tried reloading your save? Also, did you edit anything in his profile?
    1 point
  5. iv done this in the past by lowering his current wages by a lot (lower than what you want to offer) also change his three reputation stats (current home world) also if he isnt intrested in your club he wil ask for high wages, so put your club rep up also make sure your wage slider is all the way over to the right hand side in boardroom, this has an effect on how much wages they will ask for (as if they know you have the money)
    1 point
  6. Anyone else having their currency revert back to euros everytime they load FMRTE?
    1 point
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