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FM24 -Real Fixtures and Results for up to 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×


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  1. Hi you cant freeze a league or a team etc to do exactly what you want you can freeze players you could set a preset for a transfer ban on clubs [or just stop first transfer window on game set up] lots of variables cannot be stopped like unhappiness etc AI picking/rotating players so you could never get the 'pure' test you are looking for
    1 point
  2. are you both trying to say in game the information is different to what is displayed in FMRTE? if the data is the same then this is a game issue and from the info given I cannot see anything to suggest this is anything to do with FMRTE
    1 point
  3. Hi unless you set your own preset up just for morale, there is not one for this it is in the inspire preset as it has always been the other preset tab shows you other presets if you have more you set up yourself for team/player actions eg contracts read here scroll to preset manager
    1 point
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