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  1. 1 point
  2. You cant do it directly from FMRTE the only way is doing it by hand. To do so close your FMRTE go to: (Your FMRTE installation folder)\Frozen Players\(Folder with your SaveGameID) in here delete file with the player id that you want to remove after this restart FMRTE and the player should have disappeared from the snowflake menu. Note: your save game Id can be found in your FMRTE footer when it is loaded
    1 point
  3. Hi, That's something that I didn't know, and I will take a look into this to see if we can find a way to fix this
    1 point
  4. I just set it as a preset. search for my team, then select all players and freeze them. Simples. 12749 seems to be working a treat and quite realistic scores and the occasional loss. I'd prefer allow ALL players to be set to a preset and then frozen (at my club), with the touch of one button. Then when we sign or release someone we don't have to keep altering freezing and settings. So it becomes a "club" setting rather than a "player" setting.
    1 point
  5. FMRTE - Released Download: FMRTE Autoupdate or http://www.fmrte.com/download/fmrte16 Changelog Build 7 Added Ability to add/remove languages to persons Fixed Cities Attraction Local regions Current Screen and Mini-FMRTE Search filter/mass edit player value Euro Coeficients are now only visible for European countries Sponsors value
    1 point
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