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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/13 in all areas

  1. Yes, my plans are to release the first version this weekend
    13 points
  2. Official FM RTE from SI is so simple and so... weak. 4,5 eur? Are you kidding me? For that price you can buy FMRTE from BraCa with multiply to 100 functionality. SI is so greedy.
    3 points
  3. Roger that. But, let's not feed the trolls.
    1 point
  4. FM2014 a s****y game? its the most realistic football game you can buy And as for FMRTE being s**t too, unbelivable comment! Some people are real dicks!
    1 point
  5. Don't buy the game if you consider it as s***, dumbass. Are you a slave? Woah that's the stupidest post ever bro'. You 1. buy a game you know is s***, 2. moreover you buy extra editor to play this shitty game. I don't understand you at all.
    1 point
  6. In total agreement with all that Paul, in fact I have just been banned for a week by one of the mods over there for telling him the same thing - I sometimes think the clowns over there are not hugged enough as kids - he did not like me telling what I thought about SI, truth hurts, oh dear however will I cope without having to visit that horrible website
    1 point
  7. Dude the In game editor from sigames has only been out for 8 days. And why would you come on here to bag the creator of the editor?
    1 point
  8. Well spoken, quite indeed. It is only natural to want a bit of compensation for such a product. Those not willing to pay, simply need to look somewhere else... or make their own software. :-) Looking forward to see your work, BraCa.
    1 point
  9. BraCa will the first version be also for all us "Mac" users? I sure hope so... SI's IGE is just not as good as yours!
    1 point
  10. It's ridiculous isn't it. Same for me, he scored 6 goals against Fulham in a 9-0 win and I wasn't managing either. Sorry to say this but without FMRTE the game would not be worth even buying any more, it has becoming very boring and is beginning to implode on itself as it has started to take itself wat too serious with too may minor features the game could do without.
    1 point
  11. WOOOO YEAH, now I can FIX the dam game, Eto has scored 28 goals for chelski in 18 games WTF
    1 point
  12. Thing is you have a simple option... DONT buy it if he is going to charge for it, SI games is a bloody joke, imagine havin to pay for what should be part of the game anyway and tbh this version of FM is really just an update to existing software so who is robbing who... I am grateful to the the guy who made FMRTE, we are lucky we live in a relative free world where you can chose to pay for it or not...
    1 point
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