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Real time Current (Actual) Rating?


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Hey ya'll!


Is there a way to see what the point spend in terms of CA is as you're editing a stat of a player?


It seems you can only see the CA without taking the stats into account so on the next player development cycle (in-game) every stat drops to match the CA value if you have the stats too high.


Are we able to see the real time actual CA weighting as we're editing so we can match it to the fixed CA and the stats won't flop around like crazy after the edit?


I'm not sure if this is already possible and I'm just missing it - but if not it'd be awesome!

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Ah gotcha thank you both.


I think it would indeed be a great feature as it'd allow a better sense of the seeing the CA weightings while we're editing so we don't over or under allocate compared to the CA and I imagine it'd quite easy to do since the weighting is probably built into the program already right?


Would be a great QoL improvement imo!



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On 10/24/2021 at 6:41 PM, itsall4you said:

Ah gotcha thank you both.


I think it would indeed be a great feature as it'd allow a better sense of the seeing the CA weightings while we're editing so we don't over or under allocate compared to the CA and I imagine it'd quite easy to do since the weighting is probably built into the program already right?


Would be a great QoL improvement imo!



we will be beta testing this feature so fingers crossed it goes well and will be added to future updates

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