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FM24 -Real Fixtures and Results for up to 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×


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  1. This file contains the missing players of the FIFA100 and as such is a great addition to your file. Notably, I have set the PA very high, with most players having straight up -9 or -10. This is because I prefer it this way and because I feel like everyone named as one of the best 125 living football players at the time should have a shot at true top potential, a shot at surpassing others as a regen. Due to time constraints, ethnicity, skin colour and hair colour are NOT accurate for most of the players. If someone finds they want to fix this or further add to the database, I welcome you and kindly ask you to share your file so the number of legendary regens can increase further. FutureRegen.edt Added players:
    1 point
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