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How to deactivate key on the website when windows 10 insider version has updated?


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I am using windows 10 pro insider preview version. It updates every week on wednesday or sunday. When the new version system has been updated, FMRTE deactivates automatically without any confirmation. When I'm browsing "CLIENT AREA", I find the key is still tagging "In use".

So I suggest it would be useful that users can deactivate key on the website without sending resetting requests. Because I find it would take "long time" (a few days maybe) for staff to reset activations. And I think FM players like me cannot tolerate such time to wait.

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All licensing questions and issues are to be reported through your client area.  The moderators do not have access to this information.


To answer your question, you deactivate your key within the software before you update the OS.  That is if you have control on updating the OS.  Having a deactivate button in the client area is a good idea, but as to how it can be implemented is down to the developers/owners.  Not every one goes into their client area as we say to just deactivate within the software.  You can suggest this in the appropriate forum if you wish.

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