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Automatically update club reputation/finanes when using "Heal Team" etc.

Martin Bahn

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Automatically update club reputation/finanes when using "Heal Team" etc.

Whenever I press "Heal Team" or "Inspire Team" the whole roster updates live.
However the clubs finances/reputation etc does not.
So when I heal/inspire players and press save, my clubs reputation/finance values just stays the same?
Would it be possible for Heal Team/Inspire Team to also update club values live, instead of us having to reload every time for that to happen?
Its a huge slow down to have to reload FMRTE for that one thing.

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why would the club finances/reputation change  when you select heal/inspire? these are totally different things those presets effect players only, the other things are club related so cant be part of the same preset


if you want to set up a 'club' preset/s  for reputation etc create a separate preset and then use it accordingly. Once created correctly you do not have to exit the app each time to get them to work


also these features might not be available yet in the beta only devs can confirm this though


from my point of view I wouldnt be creating any presets just to use on 1 club as that how your post reads...will take seconds just to update club rep/finances etc manually



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I think you misunderstand me.
If my club values in the editor are as an example:
- Reputation 5250
- Balance 1,500.000 £


I start my game + editor January 1st.
Once its March 15th. Those values in the editor would still be 5250 & 1,500.000 - however in the game, those values are changed.
So if I by have to change something, or by mistake press save in the club settings, those values would go back.
FMRTE values for Reputation/Finances would never be exact to how it is ingame - unless I reload FMRTE.
Now I enjoy using FMRTE and would love to continue to do so.
I was hoping maybe BraCa would be able to whip something up to sort this.

Not to compare the two, but as an example. FMScouts's Sciyt Editor, have an "auto update" on ingame values.
So I was hoping maybe BraCa could implement something similar as I prefer FMRTE.

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