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IsInjured Preset


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What is your FM version: FM 19.1.5 (1166322) from Steam.


What is your FMRTE versionFMRTE19.1.5 I have used the update feature says I am using the current version.


Are you Beta testing for S.I. No


Are you running FMRTE as administratorYES



I know this gets asked a lot, I searched on the forum but didn't get a full answer, I saw that you have to put the number of days that you want the player to be injured but it still doesn't work. What I put is : IsInjured TO true, PlayerInjury.MinimumDays TO 10, PlayerInjury.ExtraDays TO 20, PlayerInjury.TreatmentBySpecialist TO true. I am clearly doing something wrong, and sorry if it is a stupid question but I am still learning.

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I actually had already read this by searching the forum but I thought it was answered even though I didn't get it to work, but I am doing it to players individually since FMRTE gives me this option, but I was hoping for a faster solution, for example just CTRL+Click on players and just use the preset.

Thanks for the reply though!


Edit: Do you know if it was reported as a bug? Because I can't find it somehow, so I can add a comment on it.

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11 minutes ago, DoubleDee said:

I actually had already read this by searching the forum but I thought it was answered even though I didn't get it to work, but I am doing it to players individually since FMRTE gives me this option, but I was hoping for a faster solution, for example just CTRL+Click on players and just use the preset.

Thanks for the reply though!


Edit: Do you know if it was reported as a bug? Because I can't find it somehow, so I can add a comment on it.

He probably didnt report as a bug mate it happens a lot users are asked to do it and they just dont bother


just make a report cut and paste from these threads to make it easier for you, thanks for your post detailed and clear


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