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FM24 -Real Fixtures and Results for up to 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×

Mass export as PXML (or CSV)


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What is your FM version: 19.1.5-1166322(m.e v1914)

What is your FMRTE version: 19.1.5 build 18

Are you Beta testing for S.I. No

Are you running FMRTE as administratorYES


In previous versions of FMRTE there was an ability to export all selected players from the search results as PXML files. I relied heavily on this feature as I import these PXML files in a tool I use to track player progress etc. I can still export players when their profile is opened in FMRTE but it's a bit of a pain to do this for 35 to 40 players a few times during a season.

Could it be possible to have this "mass" export of selected players back in a forthcoming version?


EDIT: I see it was already reported as "bug" in this thread. I'm not sure if it's a bug though because the software still runs fine. For me personally it's just a painfull omission. 🙂

Edited by emiel
Found possible duplicate thread
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