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Player attributes while freezed.

Martin Bahn

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Hello FMRTE Team.
Apologize if this topic is not placed the correct place.

My problem is that I am using freezer manager to freeze my entire team's fitness and attributes.
But in the options I have selected manually, that CA, Attributes and personality and hidden can increase while being frozen.

However, I notice players attribute CAN decrease while frozen, weirdly enough?
Is this intentional?


Sincerely, Martin.

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I'd really love to help out, but posting all this information for a simple question was not my intention.
If not posting all this information, will cause me to not get an answer, then I'll happily leave it.

I'm not trying to be a pain, but I'm already paying for your product.

Sincerely, Martin.

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Hi Martin


Regards the above I/we need the information as each version of the App is different, so need to know what version the question relates to.

You need to clarify what you have actually frozen and what is decreasing[screenshots would assist]


your reply probably took longer than posting the information requested


 and the product is not mine you are not paying me


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