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FM24 -Real Fixtures and Results for up to 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/20 in Posts

  1. Removing/deleting contract bonuses and clauses with a click "-" in contract page. This would be a great feature to FMRTE. Making this work and be able to use it through Presets and Massedit would be even better! Hope you can add this feature! Thanks! Keep up the good work!
    3 points
  2. as said before show me a screenshot of that do you perhaps mean this if so that is for individual players only as I pointed out in my last reply can you also clarify as you havent given much to go on are these teams/players created in the pre game editor if so you can try loading the file in the FM20 editor data folder then just load it in the pre game editor and check the file for any errors
    1 point
  3. If you have imposed the ban you can just remove it in the same screen click on the ban and then select the - icon on top right of screen or just untick the is banned box in the main information screen
    1 point
  4. as said previously its random and so the outcome is unknown to confirm this you need to ask over on the SI forums but as you allude it is hardcoded IMO and therefore apart from removing Brexit it leaves little scope
    1 point
  5. take a look at this thread too as I state there what to do closing thread answer given
    1 point
  6. There are lots of free hosting sites to use to load the file too just Google it Then you just post the link to the uploaded file in your thread
    1 point
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