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FM24 -Real Fixtures and Results for up to 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/18 in Posts

  1. What is your FM version: FM 19.1.5 (1166322) from Steam. What is your FMRTE version: FMRTE19.1.5 I have used the update feature says I am using the current version. Are you Beta testing for S.I.- No Are you running FMRTE as administrator- YES I know this gets asked a lot, I searched on the forum but didn't get a full answer, I saw that you have to put the number of days that you want the player to be injured but it still doesn't work. What I put is : IsInjured TO true, PlayerInjury.MinimumDays TO 10, PlayerInjury.ExtraDays TO 20, PlayerInjury.TreatmentBySpecialist TO true. I am clearly doing something wrong, and sorry if it is a stupid question but I am still learning.
    1 point
  2. it seems to be bugged as per my reply above I would add to the bug report if the initial user did create one, if not create one in the bugs forum in the meantime you can add individual player injuries which is a great new feature
    1 point
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