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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/16 in Posts

  1. yes setting steam offline works no updates until you decide some people use various games so makes this difficult the issue once again is not with FMRTE it is with SI/Steam steam used to allow us to be online but select for us to decide when to download updates to the game also SI shouldn't have to keep on updating a game they always release in November and is never fully patched until the following march
    2 points
  2. An updated version of iFMRTE should be released later tomorrow
    1 point
  3. FMRTE 16.3.1 Build 28 - RELEASED Download: FMRTE Auto-Update or http://www.fmrte.com/download/fmrte16 Changelog - Build 28 Added Support for FM 16.3.1 game version
    1 point
  4. Personally, i accept this. But. I find strange that it takes so much time to adjust FMRTE to a new version, if this version isnt much different than previous. It's a minor fix. Has Braca already started working on update or he's just doing something else ?
    1 point
  5. Unfortunatly no we can not set a day and time for the release since we actualy dont know it depends on the number od changes that were made. Keep one eye on our facebook and twitter pages we will anounce there the update
    1 point
  6. Hi FM was updated and new version of FMRTE is being built it should be out this weekend
    1 point
  7. open steam top left under steam change user under that go online/offline
    1 point
  8. 1.cant be edited in game 2. you can get fmrte to get a takeover to take place but no guarantee it will be a sugar daddy type takeover(I have seen clubs be worse off after a takeover, also I have managed to get a great sugar daddy to takeover...first thing he did was sack me!!!!!! ...so why not just edit existing board to be a sugar daddy type NB lot of people don't realise editing transfer budget/balance etc to a huge amount still doesn't guarantee financial superiority etc as due to FFP you have to be bringing in huge income to be able to spend big amounts as after a few years of spending big you will get hit with fines/bans even though you could have large bank balances etc
    1 point
  9. if you mean the game yes there is a way but you have to copy everything and store it on another drive for example and then use this ig the game updates but you have to do this obviously prior to update being released sometimes I do this but wont be now as I wont be updating the game to this patch its only licensing changes so pretty pointless there are far more pressing issues SI should be patching but wont now....they might get addressed round about November NB FM17
    1 point
  10. The question may be legitimate - but is there a need for multiple users to create multiple threads about the same topic? Of course not. Especially when there is a known workaround to avoid this problem. As far as your entitled disposition, it is well documented during the purchase process that game updates will render FMRTE useless. You purchased this product knowing that and accepting that, so to complain about it now - some 24 hours after the last patch - is absurd. Frankly for $5 I'm amazed FMRTE is updated as quickly as it is every time there is patch. P.S. I did not find kingrobbo's post in any way patronizing; in fact, he provided information on how OP can prevent this problem in the future. However, you can consider my post to be very patronizing.
    1 point
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