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Mass edit of relationships


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Hello dear FMRTE community!


I use FMRTE since 2018, but I recently started playing FM2023.

I never got into Presets editing, but I tried today and faced an issue.



I tried to "Change property value" of Relations to add a "Likes a person" with a value of 10 between my players and me. The thing is that I don't found an Attribute with a relative name. Tried in French (my native language) and English version of FMRTE, but nothing shows up. Even in "Execute custom action" I found nothing. Is there a way to add a custom action to make this happen ?



Thank you for reading,

Damien a.k.a. Manied

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So what you wish to do is not done here (that I know of), these presets are for other things like healing and destroying teams with one click. What you want is to go to each player and then to Relations on the left side column, in this area you can add "Likes Parson" and then add yourself to each one, also, 100 is max value, not 10, in case you were going for max. This method may take more time but it is worth it because you can also set it so those likes are permanent! Happy editing!

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