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Would you like to join the FMRTE team


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At FMRTE we have a close staff team that helps moderate the forums, deal with support issues and everything else that goes on around the site everyday.


But we're always looking for more people to get on board with passion for the App and who want to help with the running of the forums and driving the product forward.


There's no  expectations to produce content, this is a hobby, everyone on our staff team is here because they enjoy it and contributes as and when they can. I would show you the ropes and there would be trial period to get settled into the position


Being part of the staff  team also brings opportunity, you will have access to the early Beta product and assist with testing, and suggesting ways the product can improve.


The number of registered members here is huge  and there are thousands of people logging in on a daily basis, and this is by far the best in game editor by a country mile. So if you want to be involved get in touch with me.


The idea is also to expand the forums to  cover the pre game editor and provide content to add to the game, so this side would need moderating so again more opportunities on the staff side.


So if you want to get involved, and have some spare time and are passionate about the product please contact me by PM for further information.




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