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Making a player want to leave


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So I created myself as a player in the game (in a save where I'm just an unemployed manager never intending to work) and I would like to make my player want to leave his current club for more playing time, but I don't want to just move him to another club via the in-game editor, instead I just want to make him want to leave and see how his club handles the situation. I'm considering buying FMRTE for this but when I tried it without a license, when clicking the Unhappiness + button it wanted me to buy a license and wouldn't show me the menu. I'd like to see how adding unhappiness actually works before buying.


So how does adding unhappiness in FMRTE work, can I for instance make a player want to leave for more playing time?

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@rasmulisone  FYI just taken a look at the unhappiness/happiness and its bugged


IIRC you could edit the happiness to below 0  eg-100 etc which would then generate a reason why the player is unhappy, displayed in that section that you could edit/remove, change the end date  etc etc


so on to plan B using the +/-  button which should generate a drop down menu and you could select a reason such as wanting more playing time this now generates an error log, so I am submitting a bug report now


so this feature isnt working correctly currently



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