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Skin/Hair Colour change not working


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I purchased FMRTE 20 for mac this morning, and really enjoying the features so far. It's a great piece of software.


I have been having an issue changing the hair and skin colour of a player. When I make the changes in the editor and save them to the game, it doesn't appear to work. If I close the the app and open up FMRTE again and load the save into it, the original hair and skin colour is present on the player. I have tried several different players and the problem persists. I can change everything else about a player and it saves correctly. Is this a known issue, or can I do something differently for this to work? Edited to add...I'm using FM version 20.1.4 and the latest version of FMRTE which was downloaded this morning. 

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no idea mate its the devs who deal with them


I think once its resolved it gets moved or status changes and you cant see it you have to search for it


I also notice that when I follow a report it doesnt save to my  followed content so IMO it isnt working correctly yet


go to your own profile search your posts thats how I found my bug report


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