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Player awards not showing/transfer not registered

Tue Fredholm

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I have a problem with Domenico Berardi. He was co-owned by Juventus (me) and Sassuolo but I bought him outright before the 2014/2015 season. However, the game doesn't seem to realise this as can be seen from his profile:



It correctly displays that he has four years left on his contract but then also states that he "has spent his entire career U.S. Sassuolo" which clearly isn't the case. 


His playing history is correct:


But his achievements are missing, probably since the game still thinks he's at Sassuolo. As you can see, there is no "date left":

This is a small issue but it's annoying the hell out of me since he has the potential to become really, really good and I'd like his achievements listed. Can this be fixed with FMRTE, and if so, how?
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No editing in his profile.

I haven't tried reloading since I only discovered it after playing the following season - am now in pre-season before 15/16 - and I don't want to lose that season since it was quite succesful.

Edit: I found a save just before he signed for me. Tried loading it and the transfer still didn't process properly. He's now at my club but the problem is the same as before so it seems like a problem with co-ownership. Was hoping this could be fixed with FMRTE but I guess it doesn't cover every bug made by SI. :)

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Thanks for your help.


I don't use any third-party add-ons.


I have submitted this to SI and they say they are aware of the issue (whatever it might be) so hopefully it will be fixed for future transfers. No such luck for Berardi though. I feel bad for the poor fellow as he's now destined to play his entire career for a rather good team and not win a single medal.

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