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FM24 -Real Fixtures and Results for up to 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×

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  3. I spent more hours than I'm willing to admit trying to get around this bug. Only things I can think of at this point are to either update teams budgets manually (very time consuming) or maybe having a "dummy" transfer window for one day before the summer window (I'm not smart enough to know how to do this in the editor). Either way very frustrating bug
  4. Thank you! Another more rookie question - how do I actually get the changes to show up in-game? I tested it by replacing Nick Pope with Dean Henderson in the England squad, saved it in FMRTE, then hit continue in FM24 and that worked, but I've just changed the rest of the England squad in FMRTE and saved it, but the changes aren't showing up in-game. Also, is there any way to edit all of the squads before loading the game up, so I can essentially have a save file on 13 June in-game, then edit all the squads in one go, then load up that save file and all the squads will be correct, rather than doing it live?
  5. i tried with only match sharpness at 12700 but still lose in the champions league, so is it possible to have a guaranteed win with just match sharpness value above normal or is condition needed to be above normal value as well?
  6. Put the same value in condition and match sharpness i suggest start 12.000 on both. I usually dont edit morale cause if you gonna win more you don't need to edit the moral
  7. yes the set piece tactic works with at least 343 433 41221 442. that's all the formation i used with the set piece tactic. please tell me what's the value needed for the match sharpness for guaranteed win, above 12700 it just kinda goes red, same with morale. so now i have to edit the condition above value
  8. Yesterday
  9. Hi just swap players in/out of the squad using swap national call up
  10. I've downloaded the Euro 2024 data file but I can't figure out how to edit the national team squads in FMRTE so they're all accurate to the currently announced teams - any help would be much appreciated!
  11. Hi, welcome to the forum. See if the guide above helps
  12. I would like to edit asia world cup qualifers groups into realstic ones is this possitble?
  13. I have a question that is related to both the custom start date and the real results/fixtures mods. I downloaded all of them and they are working fine. I was wondering if there is a file to include or if it's possible to fix the European competitions results. I tried doing that using the FMRTE tool, but I realized that I can't change the winner of the ties. I am basically trying to mimic the 2024/2025 start of the season but with the real results for European competitions as well. Thanks.
  14. https://www.fmrte.com/blogs/entry/3-macos-unable-to-open-process/
  15. Last week
  16. Hi, possibly a daft question sorry, but does the budget bug occur in this 10/06/2024 custom start date file also?
  17. Could someone please point me to the link the shows how to reenable csrutil? I would like to restore my Mac back to its default settings. Thanks
  18. Hi! Keep going the great work! I have an issue regarding Build 30 and 29 as well..starting date seems September 2023 Any help?
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