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[14]How to change dual Nationality for newgens/regens


This is down to wolf_pd over at SI forums👍



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[15]How to Ban Clubs from Continental Competitions


Pretty Topical I have been working on a Super League file for sometime but it has been an issue to get clubs to be ‘banned’ from playing in other continental comps


This threads gives a brief insight- here 

 but even rebuilding whole comps and imposing various rules nothing worked clubs were playing in a Super League and other UEFA comps if they had qualified for them


However I found a workaround- and thankfully it works clubs can play in domestic leagues/cups[if you want that] and even if they win the league/cup or finish in a position that guarantees a continental place eg UCL/Europa etc they DO NOT take part their place is next by the next best team


So heres how you do it-

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Then go to  clubs

search for clubs you want


and edit the  Elite clubs [BOOOOOOOOOOOO]


and in the section marked Continental Club Nation[the clubs based nation will be there]


replace it with your created nation eg- J.P Morgan(Leave as Yugoslavia if you wish)






One final step for this to take effect in the first season


you need to go to the registered teams in the various UEFA comps- UCL/Europa and remove the elite teams you want ‘banned’



The result is the game will pack the teams finishing 5-8 in EPL to take the top four places in UCL


and the following season just to check the league table looks like this😍

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[16]Creating a Super League


You need to do this in continental rules only


 NB You do not use a nation to set the competition rules … it is a Continental Competition so it is set to Europe(even if it is not an official UEFA comp, that makes no difference)


Create the comp

database-competitions- select ADD


Then name the comp what you want and set it to Europe




You can have this as a standalone file or incorporate it as part of other European Club continental changes by using my Template file if you wish


I use the old European Cup set up-



This works fine in game I am testing at present with no issues




even though clubs finish in UCL places they just play in Super League



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[17]Template to use for European club rule editing FM21.




NB you need to have all the nations you want to send clubs to UEFA comps set in the Nations tab- you can copy the nations list from my template file to save time and just paste it into your file



Adding squad selection rules continental rules.


You need to add fixture rules to get a set of rules created you can then allocate to a competition

NB it starts at 0 and I allocate a set per comp so 0 is UCL



when you have added a rule it allows editing of the squad/match rules and also FFP[though this has to be set to enabled and a set of FFP rules added ]




As said earlier in the thread I have found for many years that overall squad selection rules is bugged so by pass it by using match day rules


There are a few things that need to be done to allow this like setting the fixture rule for a comp eg UCL  to be -1




 and set the rules to be fixed format

 read this thread for more info-


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[18]How to bypass verification


The linked thread above also includes my instructions on how to bypass verifying a file[The template cant be verified due to the way it was made]


so how  can we use a file when it wont verify in the editor[sometimes the silly errors the editor throws up has no bearing on the file actually working in game correctly]


NB You have to save the file using EXPORT, the file has to be XML and not fmf


once the file is saved using export and given a title to ID it close the editor


go to you editor data folder find the file and open it -


you by pass the verification by getting the file ‘’game ready ‘’ by using notepad +++ or just notepad


open the xml file-



remove that line below 


It will now look like this


Then save the file in notepad and close that App it can now be used in game


NB you have to do this again if you make any changes to the file in the editor.

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 NB  Saw someone post on another forum that they were into a new season in their save and the changes they had made pre game were no longer showing in game[they were there when they started the first season]


prize money/number of substitutes /tv money etc etc


They had forgotten to edit the extra set of rules already set up -sometimes there are several sets of rules-


so always check that there isnt new rules in place for the coming seasons[as shown below] if so you need to edit those too[copy and paste most sections is fine- you just need to check things like the number of teams hasnt changed or the league format hasnt either, so IMO do not copy the whole comp just sections of it to save time] 


I use a custom start date in game to check the edits are correct a few years in advance just to be sure


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[20]Issues with the editor not working correctly[options missing/displaying correctly etc] changes in files not showing in game etc.


Read the last couple of posts here




also make sure you have the nation/s set as playable for all changes in the editor to show, sometimes you have to do this and have the DB set to large.


If you have an earlier version of a file [eg a data update file] delete the older version from your editor data folder just use one version of the file as it can cause clashes/corrupt a save game etc


Be aware you need to remove/delete the other version of a file/s you do not want to use in game as even having them in the editor data folder can cause problems I have run tests without removing the older file and found a ‘’footprint/ghost ‘’ reading of the older version of a file when I loaded a  new game even though it wasn't selected on game set up!!


The other issue is using files with similar changes in them - eg one Data Update file with another 3 party data update this will cause problems for sure - always check any third party file in the editor to see what changes have been made


as sometimes a file which may say it is just a real fixtures file may still have changes to players/clubs etc and so cause conflicts in game when being used with other edited files.

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[21]Changing away goals rules in UEFA comps


Read this thread where it is explained https://sortitoutsi.net/content/58465/uefa-away-goals-rule#comment_640086 


its again easy to do but you have to remove it for each KO round in every UEFA comp- dont forget the pre group stage rounds as some may well have 2 rounds being played and match day 2 rules with away goal rules added as default


NB if a competition has more than one set of rules set up by SI covering current season and then a different start year eg 2021 I would edit both sets of rules to be sure

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[23]Issues with game not  loading XML files- stating they need verification.


There are have been on/off issues with the above matter with the game showing  messages when you try to select a file to load at game start up[even with files that cant be verified eg files with just player changes]


just to clarify this is a bug as the only files that need verification are those that have changes to a league's structure/rules,  so changes just to players eg transfers DO NOT need verification. However some XML files are stating they have to be verified even when they are basic changes eg our Data Update file/s


so to bypass the issue you need to turn the XML file into a FMF file. You basically just need to save it in the editor to convert it.


Place the xml file into[if it is a downloaded file]: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\editor data 


Open the Football Manager 2021 pre game editor


Select File -Import [you have to use Import as it is a xml file]


File > Save Editor Data As.. > Save


Before you  save you will see that the save file will be called "League & Data Updates" name the file what you want[use the original file name is best]


The file does not need verification if it is just player/club changes etc


After you save it, close the editor and go back to: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\editor data


You will now see two files with the same name - one is in FMF format the other XML, Delete the xml file[do not leave both files in the folder]


Go into the game set up page and make sure the new FMF file is checked and then it should be good to go to start your new save.



NB also some files have been created using a different earlier version of the DB[eg 21.1] than the one you may be using at game set up[eg 21.4] so make sure  you load the DB version you want to use in game before saving


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[24]Why cant I use certain squad numbers for GK/outfield players


Sometimes the club may have retired the number but most often it is down to certain leagues having rules the GKs have to use set numbers

so how to resolve this edit those rules and you should be fine


if you  open advanced rules for eg France - fixture rules- answer is there just edit those 2 rules[remove them]



also you should do this too -make sure allow any squad number is set




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[25]Error/Bug - No Squad selected for a specific date when trying to verify a file in advanced rules


This bug is back in the FM22 editor when you try to verify it throws out a date and says a specific club has no squad selected for that day??? Test again its a different club and so on, the SI testing system is dreadful!!



I am working on an advanced rules Welsh file and after a few hours work this☝️


I have fixed it after a few attempts 


you have to remove the fixture rules for the competition that is showing the error 


for this file it is fixture rule 6 once totally removed it verifies




not ideal as there is no squad rules in place for that league now but at least I have a working file 


I will attempt to add a different set of fixture rules to see if I can get that to work

sometimes it is worth setting up a lot of fixture rules leaving them blank and using the higher numbered ones - don't ask me why, the editor is mad it just seems to work


Update- I created another set of identical fixture rules[rule 28] for that Comp and it worked fine after removing the original set of rules

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Update on the above adding an extra set of fixture rules worked😉[you can copy the old set of rules in this case fixture rule 6 and paste into the new fixture rule 35 if you want the same rules]


added fixture rule 35 and now I have a set of squad rules[+FFP if required ] to the league and works fine

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[26]Points Deduction to a team/s


Very easy to do open advanced rules for the nation 


select the competition the team/s are in


League settings


scroll down page to points deduction if there are none tick the box then select add-fill in the required fields


NB tick game start year only if this is a one time deduction


you can add future deductions if you wish also eg say Juventus get relegated to Serie B as may happen in 2022 you could set up in Serie B for them to have a points deduction




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27]Fixture rules/squad selection rules FM22


Only real change this year from previous versions is where to find details of the fixture rules relating to a specific competition this was covered earlier in the thread for versions prior to FM22 in the General tab now it is found in the Fixture Times and Rules Tab [image 1 below ]


You can also find the Fixture rules another way- as always under the Nation, open the Fixture Rules[image 2 below] this will show a drop down ‘’tree'' showing all rules for that Nation- they should be named but not always, and NB some rules cover more than one competition eg sometimes Cup rules cover the nations FA+League cups 


Once you have found these rules this covers all things related to squad rules[image 3 below] - max size number of non EU players etc etc also FFP if any are shown here









NB when editing these rules make sure you are selecting the correct rules as there are various types and you select multiple options if you wish eg have overall squad rules+ match day rules and NB you can select various rules to apply to only specific clubs


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[28] Remember for continental/International files to make sure all competitions are entered correctly


This is a common issue where users do all the hard work start a  new save and when the DB has loaded Competitions edited do not show in game, and are missing


This simple self explanatory section has to be completed to match the number of competitions[image 2] you have in the list section of your file minus the set of rules the file relates to….so here you will see [image 1] is the list  showing 12 entries one of which isnt a competition it is the set of rules for the file so we do not include that - here it is international rules.

[image 1]





Image 2 The actual number of comps we need to load is 11 you need to add each one using the Add tab

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[29] FFP and continental rules


When you create a continental file as explained at points [7]  along with having to set up fixture rules if you want to for your competitions you will also need to so for FFP again if you want them added


So when you add a new set of FFP rules they will be shown as 0

you can set them to start when you want and you cane set up extra rules for future season if you wish BUT you need to spedific when the rules will start and end if doing this.

If wanting only one set just leave start/end dates blank


its up to you to select over what period the rules are for -here it is one season

you can also select the income this includes + the expenditure which will be used to calculate the balance[so you can make it easier or hard to pass/fail FFP]






This section deals with amount a club can contribute each season[such as a sugar daddy putting extra income in] here as it a 1 season set of rules, you can set it up to 4 years

The lowest income expenditure is basically the loss allowed in view of the club's extra investment so here its 30M Euros and 35M Euros loss allow [eg a loss of -5m]



so in game this will show as


If you wanted teams to have to make a profit and not allow a loss it is done like this



in game it results in this-teams are now expected to make a profit of 35m Euros[IMO this again has been vastly over complicated by SI]

I suggest you have a trial at this and be prepared to have a few goes before you find the sweet spot you are aiming for




and if using FFP there has to be punishments issued so    you set that up here


for some reason you can add several out of the options but the game will select only one at random- a club wont have a ban+ transfer ban imposed in this example it will be one only

once again this is over complicated and unnecessary IMO and I suggest it is flawed as the transfer ban in the editor says it is for one season[that is 2x transfer windows] However in game see it states one transfer window-that is not one season.




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[30]When there is an update to the game DB


When there is an update to the game eg recently FM22 was updated to FM22.4.0 it will result in some files created on previous versions of the DB being no longer  usable.


Mostly it is easily fixed by just opening the file/s in the latest DB[22.4.0 or whatever the latest version is] in the editor, saving it and the testing it[point  [3] shows how to test file].

 If it doesnt test it means SI have made changes to league structures etc and the file will have to be rebuilt.


So can users be a bit proactive and try testing files themselves rather than posting on threads saying something needs to be updated.

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[32]Italy Non EU player rules


Many users start a save and are unaware of this rule 



so you can use FMRTE to add a second nationality to a player etc but it wont change this rule 

and so you are left being unable to register a player/s even if you have freed up a space


I suggest trying this



change those numbers here as a test I did this



you also need to remove this specific rule



I also added this but IMO it is unnecessary



Now in game note how the transfer rules has changed

all those complex rules are gone




Above was just an example of what can be changed[and you may have to do all of the above to get the desired change in game]

Give it a go but NB you need to do this for every comp you want to use in Italy


IMO just changing this rule/just unticking the Italian specific rule should be enough.


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