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How do I edit a club so that they fall into administration (or cripple their finances causing havoc)?


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You could go to the club in question and then click teams, then click Destroy team. I don't know what this does but I'm sure it isn't good.


Alternatively go to the teams finances and then put them into debt by editing balance, put their transfer budget to zero then remove any sponsers and add a few loans outstanding.

Also, take their wage budget right down too and whack a few million on to their stadium rental, you could also add a transfer embargo on the same screen.


I thought about doing it with spurs but then realised that they are crap anyway so didn't bother.

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The easiest way is to give all the main players massive contracts that the club can't afford. E.G - 250k a week - 100k appearance money etc and then go to 6 or 7 other players and add - match highest earner clause into their contracts. I've done it to Celtic a few times and they were in massive debt within a month.

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The easiest way is to give all the main players massive contracts that the club can't afford. E.G - 250k a week - 100k appearance money etc and then go to 6 or 7 other players and add - match highest earner clause into their contracts. I've done it to Celtic a few times and they were in massive debt within a month.

Leave Celtic alone!!! :P


What sort of media attention did it get?

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