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FM24 -Real Fixtures and Results for up to 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×
  • How to use Custom Start Date file(s)

    Message added by culturedleftfoot,

    NB You can only use a Monday when using a custom a custom start date, this is a bug that has been reported to SI on several occasions going back a few years/game versions, that they have not fixed this.


    The game will start at 9am on the date you select eg[ start date of 4 March 2024 will start 9am 04/03/24- so the real results will be correct up that point]


    I suggest users when starting a new game select the custom start date league to be View-Only



    I would also recommend starting with the original game mode- the other modes seem bugged when using edited files



    What are the "Custom Start Date files"?

    The Custom Start File enables you to commence the game after the standard default setup dates, making it perfect for users who wish to start midway through a season.


    Note that Marituas is used as the country for this setup, so if you intend to make that country playable, this file cannot be used.


    Please note that this file is incompatible with any other Custom Start file and should not be shared on other platforms/websites.


    We regularly update this file every week, allowing you to commence the game on the current real-life date.


    Where can I download those file(s)?

    For FM24 you can download it from here



    To find Custom Start Date files for other editions of FM:

    1. Go to our Downloads section, or press here
    2. Search for Custom Start Date
    3. Select the files you want to download


    Are those files for free?

    To get access to our real fixture files, a valid FMRTE license is required, which can be for any version of FMRTE.

    For instance, if you possess a license for FMRTE 22, you can still download our real fixture files for FM24.


    I've got the file(s), now how can I install them?

    To install our files, please refer to the instructions provided here

    After you have successfully installed the files, follow the following steps to use the Custom Start Date


    Step 1 - Ensure that you have enabled the Custom Start Date editor file




    Step 2 - Press the Add/Remove Leagues button




    Step 3 - Select the "FMRTE Custom Start Date" fake Nation




    Step 4 - Select the Custom Start Date

    Press the Game Start Date Dropdown, and select a start date from the FMRTE Custom Start Date fake Nation





    Do you still have some questions, or something is not working?

    We've set up a dedicated topic for this subject where you can pose any questions you may have.

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