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  • Can't edit contract expiration date

    Ticket solved.
    Priority: Low
    Edition: FMRTE 20
    Game Store:
    Game Version:

    I think I've spotted a potential bug that I posted on the forums about here. @culturedleftfoot also tested this out and found the same issue. It seems that there is either an issue with using edited databases (I'm using TheFMEditor's tier 10 England database) or that, in general, a player on a non-contract or amateur contract can't have there contract changed and an expiration date assigned to it.


    See below my initial post in the forum.




    On 5/27/2020 at 11:39 PM, colbarr said:

    Thanks @culturedleftfoot!


    What is your FM version: 20.4.1-1363262(m.e v2040)

    What is your FMRTE version: FMRTE 20.4.1 (build 35) 

    Are you Beta testing for S.I. No

    Are you running FMRTE as administratorYES


    First off, I've checked the forum and suggested reading and there hasn't been an answer for this as far as I can see. From the forum linked above, I will attempt to give as much detail as possible regarding my issue.


    Apologies, there's going to be 7 screenshots in this post.


    Basically, my issue is that when I try to give one of my amateur/non contract players a part-time or full-time contract using FMRTE, when I set the expiry date, it automatically reverts to 1900 as the expiry year and gives them a month-to-month contract.


    In my case, I'm using an edited database so I can control clubs down to tier 10 of English football. I thought that may have been the issue, so I tested it out on a team from the main game that are semi-professional, Chorley. This is what I have...


    So I tried to change one of my players from an amateur contract [1.png] to a part time contract [2.png] (My team is already set to professional status) and when I saved within FMRTE and advanced the game a day my player was on a part time month to month contract with an expired contract [3.png] and can be seen when I refreshed FMRTE [2a.png].















    Thinking that the issue was to do with the edited database, I tried it with a club from the FM20 original database, Chorley. Semi-professional club in the Vanarama National League North. I chose Brian McManus who was on a non-contract with Chorley [4.png]. I did the same as above [5.png, 6.png, 7.png, 7a.png] and got the exact same result. 


















    Is there a reason why the contract expiry date defaults back to 1900? I've noted that if a player has been signed by another team on a part-time contract and you do a club swap or move to club, the contract remains in place and that can be edited successfully.


    Hopefully that's enough information to do some troubleshooting on the matter, as from my searches around the forum, it is an issue for a number of people.


    Cheers for your help,







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