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Making AI Manager contract expire- isn't working


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I am trying to make a manager leave a club, ive tried changing his contract expiry date to 1999.. but nothing happens, he just remains in charge. (also tried the current ingame date, the next ingame date etc) but he never leaves the club he's managing.


The changes are working and take affect in the game, as on the manager profile screen, it shows his contract expiry date as the date I set it to with fmrte.. but he's still managing the club? I tried continuing the game on for 2 weeks, and nothing happened, he still remained in charge.


This used to work on previous fmrte for previous fm's. Not sure what im doing wrong?


I have even tried the 'make it expire' button with fmrte, even though I know this makes all the staffs contracts expire.. but even this isnt working.

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Ok, I've found a solution.. but it takes abit of hard work.


Change the managers contract to part time, make it expire 2 days from the current ingame date, on the managers relations screen, make him hate the club he's managing 100%. On the club relations, make them hate the manager 100% perm.


Change the managers CA/PA to something really low, I took a '1' off 110/135 and changed it to 10/35 (so I could easily remember what is ca/pa is when changing it back after)


Also change his home/current and world reputation to a low number. Again I removed all the first digits from 4891/4468/3069 and changed them to 891/468/69. (Then remember to add a 4,4 and 3 back to the begining of them when he's left)



The next day the manager rejects a contract offer from the club, then the day after (when his conract expires) he finally leaves the club.

Tried loads and loads of different things with fmrte, but this is the only way I have managed to get the manager to leave the club.

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