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[Presets] - Instructions


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Presets: Presets are custom made actions that FMRTE will execute.

A Preset can have a lot of actions that FMRTE will execute when you select to run that preset. You can have diffrent Actions Types in the same Preset.

Presets can be applied in two ways:

  • You can execute a preset in the Favorites Menu, this way, the preset will be executed, and the affected objects are those who ID where specified in the Action
  • Appling to an item(group of items) in the search results, by pressing the right mouse button

    Preset Manager - Instructions
    • Object ID:Put this field at 0, or if you want to create a preset to change a specific player/staff/team/club put here the ID of that item (player,staff,club..)
      NOTE:If the Action Type is a Team/TeamPlayers/TeamStaffMembers, in this field you should put the CLUB ID of that Team
    • Team Number This attribute is used to select the team that you want to affect, eg, if you select the type "TeamPlayer" and the attribute "CA" if you put "0" as Team number, the preset when is executed and will affect all players in the First Team of that Club (TeamNumber = 0 => 1st Team, 1 => Next Team .., the team order is the same that appears in Club's Information)
    • Attribute This field specifies the attribute that you want to chage..
    • Value: This field specified the value that you want to put in the Attribute that you have selected
    • Action Types:

      • Player - Using this type, the action will only be aplied if you select a player or a group of players (if you apply the preset to a team, this action will not be executed)
      • PlayerStaff - Using this type, the action will only be aplied if you select a player (with staff att) or a group of players(with staff att) if you apply the preset to a team, this action will not be executed
      • Staff - Using this type, the action will only be aplied if you select a staff member or a group of staff members (if you apply the preset to a team, this action will not be executed)
      • Club - Use this type to change attributes from Clubs
      • ClubStaffMembers: Use this if you want to change the attributes of all staff memeber of a specific club (you dont need to specify the Team number)
      • Team - Use this type to change team attributes
      • TeamPlayers - Using this type the action will only be aplied is the preset is applied to a Club/Team
      • TeamStaffMembers: Use this if you want to change attributes of staff members of a SPECIFIC TEAM (as a club can have more then one team, first team, reserves....)
        You must specify the Team number in the new field "Team Number", the Team Number starts at 0 (0 means the Club first team..)
      • It may sounds a little bit complicated, but i will make a tutorial that will explain everything ;)

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