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FM24 -Real Fixtures and Results for up to 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/24 in Posts

  1. Hi, IIt's a mistake, it's GK instead of GB.......Sorry. Details below : 1-FM version : 24.3.0 + 1956370 (m.e v24.2.0.0) 2-FMRTE version : FMRTE 24.3.0 (Build 29) 3-FMRTE started as administrator 4-Game Mode Im using : Original Problem with a club (Union Adarve) is in a nation and in division (Spain) that is set as a playable nation on game start Thank's for your help
    1 point
  2. HOWEVER Once a stadium move has been made official, and the stadium has a name, you can use FMRTE to bring forward the move date to just say about 2 weeks, instead of a few years.
    1 point
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