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[NEEDS TESTING] Possible method of adding Feeder Teams to Player Team


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Bear with me, as I'm still not quite certain how repeatable this might be yet.   This could use other people testing to see if it works for them as well.


I believe I might have found a way to add feeder teams to your player team, without having to deal with the inconveniences of too low of a reputation, or the hassles of a pig-ignorant team owner and board that doesn't want to cooperate.  I've tried it with only 3 teams so far, and as such, I'm uncertain about the timings, though I do have some suspicions.


What you'll need:

1) A team you're playing that already has an existing link to another team that gets a yearly payment for that connection..

2) A target team to add as a feeder that currently has a parent or feeder link to another club.


The Process:

1) In FMRTE, go to the desired club that you wish to add as a feeder club.

2) Go to the 'Affiliations' tab.

3) Pick any available affiliated team.

4) Click the magnifying glass in the 'Parent' team line.  In the interface, search for your club in the pop-up window, then click 'Apply'.

5) If you're switching the feeder club to link with you, you should see your target feeder club.   If not (i.e., you're switching a parent club link to a feeder club link because it's the only one available), search for the club name, and add.

6) Add or subtract any conditions you wish.

7) Save.


Now, here's the thing.   Doing this alone will not make a fully functioning link as of yet.   In-game, you will get messages about first bidding on players in your chosen feeder team if you chose that option for your link, but for the meantime, that's all you'll see.  Going to the 'Affiliated Clubs' page will not display your chosen clubs.  However, the magic happens when you pay yearly money for /any/ active link currently displayed in your player team.   If you then go into your Affiliated Clubs page in FM 2013, you should then see all of the clubs you added now visible as an officially linked club!


Again, I'm still working out the mechanics of it, but so far, I've added 3 clubs this way.  I'll add more details when I can figure out precisely how this works.

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  • 2 years later...

Old thread revival, but I am wondering... How will this work with the newer FMRTE, and has anyone actually succeeded in making an affiliation in such a way that it would show up as a new squad available in your sidebar? I really could use one of those to develop players that aren't yet quite ready for the first team, but have surpassed eligibility for the Under 19s (I have no U21 squad).

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