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  • Staff swap went wrong. No contract and stiil at the club

    Someone from our staff will take this report soon.
    Alex Kokhnover
    Priority: Undefined
    Edition: FMRTE 21
    Build: 30
    Game Store: Steam
    Game Version: 21.4.0-1525123

    Very strange case.

    I had Directer Of Football in my club and then I wanted to "replace" him with the better one. I used the "swap" option, but I guess that was a huge mistake, because I have swept him with Director with NO CONTRACT (free player). Now I have the new guy as my DoF with no contract( so I can't get rid of him or fire or whatever) - as it shown in the game. The guy is free agent in the FM, when I click on him.

     When I check this in FMRTE, this guy appears as "No Role"  and with no contract in my club.

    I tried to swap him again with many different staffs, I even have set a retirement date at new staff (I hopes that after the swap, the person will retire and I will have no DoF in my club' as I wanted) also tried setting the end of contract dates in those guys, but when this date comes, I get my "no contracted" DoF back to my team (like he ends the contract in the other (new club, after I replaced him) and then he is back to my club). I tried to sign new DoF, but the board doesn't want another DoF and doesn't allow to sign the new one' so I can not get rid of him.

    I know that it's hard to understand the case, so my question is, how can you make STAFF to retire/to die (sorry)? I made him 73 years old, but he is still in charge


    As you can see on the image: Jose Miguel Mari is DoF in the game and has no job and no club in FMRTE.

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