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FM24.0 -Real Fixtures and Results for 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/23 in Posts

  1. The above option is now added as a feature to FMRTE23- so you can edit a current save too👍
    1 point
  2. [32]Italy Non EU player rules Many users start a save and are unaware of this rule so you can use FMRTE to add a second nationality to a player etc but it wont change this rule and so you are left being unable to register a player/s even if you have freed up a space I suggest trying this change those numbers here as a test I did this you also need to remove this specific rule I also added this but IMO it is unnecessary Now in game note how the transfer rules has changed all those complex rules are gone Above was just an example of what can be changed[and you may have to do all of the above to get the desired change in game] Give it a go but NB you need to do this for every comp you want to use in Italy IMO just changing this rule/just unticking the Italian specific rule should be enough.
    1 point
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