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FM24.0 -Real Fixtures and Results for 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×


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  1. if you are asking can you edit continental qualification places using FMRTE that is not possible
    1 point
  2. I just tried that link with no issues at all what browser are you using I am using google chrome try restarting the system if still getting issues tag Braca
    1 point
  3. Now you can download FMRTE with the installer, or as a zip file. Using the installer is the recommended option, as it's easier, and less error prone. Using the zip file, you have to extract it to a folder in your computer. Unfortunately, sometimes our installers triggers false positives in some antivirus, and prevents some users from being able to download it. Cheers
    1 point
  4. that rule can be found in the pre game editor using advanced rules, either remove the wage cap or edit it you cant use any in game editor to edit these rules directly as a workaround I would suggest editing the players contract directly to reduce them dramatically
    1 point
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