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FM24.0 -Real Fixtures and Results for 38 Major Nations,58 Leagues in total Released click here for details ×


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/17 in all areas

  1. It's alright. I meant the personality attributes i.e. Ambition, Sportsmanship, etc accordingly of course.
    1 point
  2. probably game stopping same countries having all the best regens all the time and no country has that setting so high best option is to edit the new regens as and when they are created by game just do a few at a time when you consider the original DB for fm17 this time had only 1 player set to -10 ie 190-200 so asking to create loads the game is kicking against that NB you also cant set a youth rating to be between 190-200 it is one or the other
    1 point
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