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Henning Denkler changed their profile photo
씨손 changed their profile photo
Jhiksy Youtube changed their profile photo
Tom Cook changed their profile photo
goh van changed their profile photo
Alexandros L. changed their profile photo
Henrik Mäkitalo changed their profile photo
Leon Smith changed their profile photo
Custom Start Date for FM24 and FM23[start 10 years ahead]Read the opening post clearly.
latest Build start date 10/2/25
Арсений Калистратов joined the community
NateG123 joined the community
Rémy Chebbah joined the community
Arcanus123 Team changed their profile photo
김기민 changed their profile photo
Cristian Theobald joined the community
Batu Yerlikaya joined the community
Ozzyozzo joined the community
Theo Kan joined the community
Ali Yasin Güzey joined the community
JimC66 joined the community
Mattey85 joined the community
- Not being able to find a football player in the saved game
Facepack Installer Game graphics Folder
Hi I have tagged the Dev nearly a year ago I will try again @BraCa
Facepack Installer Game graphics Folder
Same issue here, i can press select on the facepack folder and a selection window pops up. Pressing open for the Game graphics Folder does nothing.
- Last week
FMRTE 24 for macOS
Its been over a month since I asked the above question and not one Mac user can answer -what format is the saved games in on Mac- is it FMV or FM?
Featured/recommended content not working correctly
Finding that if you click on the date a featured comment was pinned to a thread it takes you to that content directly not ideal but at least that works, I am sure the Admin will fix this in due course cheers
culturedleftfoot started following ajsmith66
client support
Please do not start another thread on this again I have shown you above what needs to be done I appreciate you have not had a reply I did tag the site admin into the thread so I cant do anymore your matter is dealt with via your client area by the admin
Diego Marchioro started following Real Fixtures and Results
ariedmuhammad started following FM24.3 Italy Serie A +B Real Results
Featured/recommended content not working correctly
Some threads have Featured content/posts pinned to the top of the thread These are recommended posts with quick access to them so users can find the content easily Previously under the old website set up you could click anywhere on the recommended post and it would take you to the content. This is no longer working since moving to the new set up Also trying to tag someone isnt always successful Cheers
Using numbers above/below normal settings+All Cheat Codes [use this thread only] Read the Opening Post clearly
Due to changes made in the editor having zero effect in game☹️ eg I changed Bellamy to use of subs 20[in his first 4 games he has made 3 subs in total what a XXXXXXX joke he is set to be a manager who makes subs he isnt making any really] also I set him to 19 in squad guessed it in his first 4 games apart from Ampadu picking up 2 yellows he has made zero changes to the starting XI ....its as if the game is doing the total opposite to what I set it to do I also went back and changed 'will make early tactical changes' to 20 to see if that helped, once again nothing so wondering if anyone has a 'cheat' code they have trialed that would help with getting Bellamy to behave like...Bellamy😉 make subs and make lots of changes in starting XI cheers
2024/25 Season with transfers/loans in correct Transfer Window[Cancelled]
Getting users still PM regarding this I have stopped doing this and with no FM25 this will become an impossible task due to 3 transfer windows having occurred before FM26 comes out so please no more PMs ask SI to release a patch😉 @rodski
Kits and colours
no more news?
How is the hotkey function work?
Hi Its working for me you just need to change the preset to aply for a specific team or player.
Sotiris Avdalas started following Custom Start Date
Sotiris Avdalas started following How to use our Real fixtures files
Sotiris Avdalas started following Real Fixtures and Results
Sotiris Avdalas started following BraCa
Sotiris Avdalas started following FMRTE 24 for Windows
How to add or edit fee / income for friendlies ?
Hi not possible I'm afraid cheers
How to add or edit fee / income for friendlies ?
How to add income for friendlies during pre-season, added England 20 lower leagues and all friendlies say fee $0. Was wondering if FMRTE allows to edit so that friendlies generate income ?
SlayZz started following Real Fixtures and Results
Future Feature Requests/Suggestions Poll[multiple choice voting options]
a hotkey for saving changes made in fmrte (i want to change bind to only "S" because i don't want to hold control at the same time)
Future Feature Requests/Suggestions Poll[multiple choice voting options]
I want to mass edit to add a mandatory purchase clause to loan contracts. May you please add preset to this condition?
How is the hotkey function work?
seems hotkeys still doesn't work. using latest fmrte version ran as admin
Using numbers above/below normal settings+All Cheat Codes [use this thread only] Read the Opening Post clearly
it doesnt as much but that is sort of the ideal range i found
FM24 When there is an update to the Game on Windows/Mac/Gamepass/Xbox.
Sounds like there may be licensing issues again for FM24 as certain things were due to lapse in March, inline with the release of FM25 With that now being cancelled unless things are resolved be prepared for licensing updates to FM24 again, so those that can follow the tips in the opening posts and set Steam to offline before March, as there is a strong possibility if this happens FMRTE will need to be patched
client support
Hi sorry to hear about your problem However as this thread below clearly states in the opening post all licensing/support issues are Admin tasks we cannot assist. your reply will be via your client area,so I will close this now. I will tag @BraCa so he is aware there has been an issue cheers
Using numbers above/below normal settings+All Cheat Codes [use this thread only] Read the Opening Post clearly
I thought match sharpness didn't have much effect now.
client support
hi, general question for admins. I recently have an issue with my licence, i followed the guidelines and went through the client support area to raise a ticket. After 3 days the ticket just disappeared, i re wrote a new one and now its just sitting there after 3 days stating " being processed" If its just a case of waiting then thats fine, but after having my previous ticket disappear i'm slightly concerned there may be a problem with the client area/support ? {[ I know licence issues are not an admin task, Im just asking about the support page} Thanks.
FM25 -Cancelled
FM25 Officially cancelled what a mess
How to Add a Mandatory Purchase Clause to a Loan Contract?
closing this now cheers
How to Add a Mandatory Purchase Clause to a Loan Contract?
Thank you very much