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Fitness Glitch

Jordan Harnett

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3 hours ago, Jordan Harnett said:

Does the so called fitness glitch and the position glitch still work? I've seen some posts in the archives and was just wondering if they still work and also could anyone explain how to do them.



can you explain what you mean by the fitness glitch etc, perhaps link the thread so I/we can assist. and give a bit more info as to what you are asking/want


As far as I know there are no errors re fitness as such, cant see any reported in bugs forum


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If you mean the fact that you have an advantage when you set the player condition to values higher than 10.000 in the HEAL_PLAYER preset then ....

Yes, it still works

I personally prefer the value 12500 


The DESTROY_TEAM preset is much trickier to use now though.

Last year it was possible to set it about three days before a match and still have a light advantage

This year you have to use it right before the match because it resets very fast by the game

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