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 Please do not PM Staff questions use the forums to ask questions, and READ this before posting.


Are you running FMRTE as administrator-this solves many issues.



NB-please note to use any of the FMRTE features you need a current license ,some changes need the game continued

to take effect.



NB This is an English language forum so please use a translator if needed.


Post a screenshot to help explain your question/issue.


If your issue is account related and any/All licensing issues contact support directly via your client area- read this for details.


How to purchase a license here



[A]The below information HAS to be submitted  in all initial posts when you are having issues.


Please submit the following 4 points-


[1]What is your exact FM version:(example answer- FM 18.1.2  (1051982) I have steam set to offline) clearly state if using TOUCH/MAC/XBOX and its version eg  18.2.0 (1050300,)You can find the exact version by selecting Game status while game is running


[2]What is your exact FMRTE version:(example answer- FMRTE18.1.4[build 4])


[3]Are you running FMRTE as administrator- state YES/No [This is suggested/ important as most issues are caused by not running the App correctly-RIGHT CLICK ON App Run as administrator]


[4]Also state which game Mode are you using



[5] Take a full screenshot of your client area showing fully your username and license codes and PM to the staff member who responds to you[do not post the code on the forum]


Also state if the issue with a  club/player/league is in a nation that is set as a playable nation on game start or view only.

 [A1] FMRTE not loading your game


If your issue is regarding FMRTE not working with your version of the game also add


[4]Are you Beta testing for S.I.- (Yes/No) also sate the exact game version(1051982, 1051985)


[A2]It is also worth checking that the product is fully activated especially after a Windows/System update as occasionally it results in the license key having to be entered again, this can be found in your client area.

 Sometimes the software  due to an update the Application will require another re-activation, this will still only count as one activation.


Also check that there hasnt been an update to the actual game and FMRTE needs to be patched to it[NB sometimes an update to the game is minor, and even if you get this message, press ok and the game data may still load and no update to the App is required]



you can manually check for updates to FMRTE as image below



[Check you have the current versions of game and FMRTE] 


The latest builds click the links Windows  Mac


The latest game updates Latest FM24 Game information




Read paragraph [F] for some tips/fixes to issues- [its the second post in the thread click HERE ]



If users do not follow this simple process their post/threads will be deleted or closed at the discretion of staff,NB Please ask questions on the forums do not private message staff.


[B].Before Buying/using the App





If you haven't used FMRTE before and are unsure if it does what you want it to do ask on the forums before purchasing it. Also before using read the guides etc linked directly below-


Also be totally clear in your posts state the exact version you are using PC/Mac other[NB Not all the same features are available on all platforms,so ask before buying]



Can you read the help guide threads -








There is also a FAQs section



If you need to contact support use your client area

[All your license keys are displayed there too]









NB I recommended you back up/copy your saved game before editing just in case there are issues or you simply want to return to your save pre the edit/s.


On the same principal  I do this- use the export function to save a copy of a player/s before you edit them this way you can import the original attributes if you ever want to.


NB some changes in FMRTE only take effect once you have moved the game forward. 



[C]Posting rules etiquette 



You need to post in English please, we appreciate that might not be your main language so use google translate etc to assist, and you must provide information on the version of FMRTE you are using. 



Also as per the forum rules can you use the search function to see if this issue has been discussed before, and take a quick look on the bugs forum to see if it has been reported.If there is a bug report you can add to that within the rules please.


[C1]It may be better to start your own thread rather than add to the main FMRTE 23 thread, (which is pinned at the top of the forum),  as questions can snowball and take over that thread, and it can be easier later for other users to find when searching looking for answers with similar issues. So it's better to keep it in your own thread.


Use screenshots to assist with your question/issue. I use Gyazo-  Gyazo link t is free easy and quick to use, and if you have a few points don't post as one big paragraph break it up so it's easy to read.


If you need to add a file to your thread eg a saved game etc and it is too big to load directly here then use a file sharing/hosting site(use google to search there are lots of free options now)I personally use https://www.mediafire.com/  .


You ALWAYS need to post the version of game/FMRTE you are using, (also if you are using XBOX state that in your OP) this is to make sure your post is in the correct forum and will assist in the help needed as there are different features in the various FMRTE versions. [some are newly added etc].


[C2]Also state if you are using a demo version or using a S.I. Beta Test version( after the full game release -as per the forum rules-(f) All users who participate in beta testing for Sport Interactive may receive support from us.  This is at the development team's discretion and they will decide if they wish to code the software to be compatible with FM beta builds.)


Most issues are caused by not running the application as suggested and this is why we need this basic information as outlined in section [A] above.


After you have received some feedback especially if it is advice can you report back on the thread if that worked for you not just out of courtesy but for future reference for us/other users.

Like/thank the post/s of person helping you

NB it is them helping you.


When a thread is closed if users have further comments to add to the thread just PM a mod and we can reopen it at any time.








If you have a bug/possible bug, try the fixes HERE first if issue persists then please fill in the bug report here-







Submit a bug report if you get game crashes after using FMRTE-OUTLINE THE STEPS FULLY SO DEVS CAN TRY TO RECREATE THE ISSUE


[NB subscribe to your report as when it is solved it gets moved by the Developer- but if you forget to do this check your profile page all posts show there even the bug reports so you can retrieve it from there.]










Licensing issues


You are not to create a thread re licensing issues they will be 

deleted from now on.









Make sure you are doing the below 


[1.]Run as administrator- to do this right click on the app and select RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR 


[2.]Download the current version/s- 


windows download



Macos download


Game- FM24-

Check pinned 'update' thread-

Latest FM24 Game information


[3.] FMRTE needs Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6-[If you cant get this to run on your system contact support directly using your client area]


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  • culturedleftfoot

    Please do not PM Staff questions use the forums to ask questions, and READ this before posting.   Are you running FMRTE as administrator-this solves many issues.     NB-please note to use any of the F

  • culturedleftfoot

    Just a polite notice and further clarification  users need to read the opening post of this thread clearly.   Do not PM your questions use the appropriate forum/thread or start a new thread

  • culturedleftfoot

    @roadrunnerralph you have been on the site several times since my above reply but you have not updated the threads as requested. so I am deleting them.   Do not post again unless you pr

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  • culturedleftfoot

    @jaegats Read the opening post and provide all the information required Cheers

  • @cepic Please read opening post. And edit yours accordingly.

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[F]Some tips to fix issues


Some users were not aware you have to launch your FM game version first before running FMRTE and loading your save  game in the App

If your current Saved game wont load in FMRTE  save it again in your game then exit the game and FMRTE and re start both again.

Sometimes after pressing save in FMRTE you need to reload your game  by clicking on the load game button for changes to show in FMRTE.


When getting issues before starting a thread/posting make sure this box is ticked in settings -Debug Mode then save the change. Exit FMRTE and launch again.



After doing the above try to open the page with the error/or redo the edit that is causing the issue- now see if an error log is generated. If not close FMRTE and launch it again this sometimes generates a fresh error log.


Also you can try clearing your cache if issues persist- via AppData roaming file on your C drive


 - but before doing this back up the file as in image below/copy/paste it to your desktop etc so you can use it again if you want to[this is for FMRTE 22 for dispplay purposes, select the version you need]

also be aware doing this will result probably in your FMRTE settings/license key needing to be reactivated[your code is always in your client area] - you wont lose your edits/presets etc


C:\Users\[your user details here]\AppData\Roaming




N.B. Some changes only take effect when you continue the game just saving in FMRTE may well have no influence in game it has to be moved forward 


Also check you are on the latest update/Build of FMRTE sometimes it doesn't automatically update so check manually



you can also try uninstalling FMRTE and doing a fresh install


If these tips dont work post your issue on the forums-

if submitting a bug report you can look for an error log,its in the Braca Soft folder on your C Drive- all versions of FMRTE you have will be listed



state in your post exactly what tips you have tried to resolve the issue


and NB  Post the information REQUESTED as per paragraph [A] in the opening post above 


points 1-3 ALWAYS need to be included, point 4 also if using a beta test version of the game.


  • culturedleftfoot changed the title to Read opening post before posting [or buying/using the App]
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Just a polite notice and further clarification  users need to read the opening post of this thread clearly.


Do not PM your questions use the appropriate forum/thread or start a new thread to ask them. So if you have a question just to reiterate post it on the forums,and wait for a reply.


I know I am answering the vast majority of the questions raised but this is not my job, I do this to help and I have had enough of users taking advantage of my goodwill.

I give up my spare time to assist here and I am not wasting it any longer on things I have already addressed, or questions I have answered.


If you have posted on the forums wait for a reply DO NOT PM/Tag or constantly Quote  to badger staff in an attempt to push your issue to the front .  [If you have a Mac issue I do not use Mac].


Use the search function also, nearly every PM I get I have already answered previously or provided a guide/thread with what to do.


Also there is a simple and clear process on what information is required to be posted if you are having issues.

If users continue to ignore this warnings will be issued

I am here trying to help users by providing good information in your post, it will save me/you time to get to an answer.So please post all the information required in your posts. 


If you ignore this and still directly PM with something that needs to be posted on the forums the PM will be deleted and warnings issued at the discretion of staff. 



@yansen kusuma @Ozaki @אבישי נייזר@Muhsin şentürk  @Kioshy76 @tarık yılmaz

@[email protected]

@dstyle87 @del8boy

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