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Mass Edit causes crash dumps after creating a full legend staff


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Hi everyone, 


This is my first post, I hope I'm not breaking any rules here. 

When using the 'mass edit' function to try to create a staff with 'legend' attributes, I filter for the team I manage. It gives 47 possibilities for this club. I enter these legendary attributes and leave out any characteristics of the staff I don't want to change, such as age, name, and other personalia. After saving, I continue the game and it always gives a crash dump.


Could someone explain what's going wrong in this proces? Furthermore, maybe someone has a better solution in to keeping the staff legends, without choosing each one of them, selecting legend and saving, each game month?


Kind regards, 



(Windows 7

FMRTE 13.3.3. Beta (build 66))

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they crash bcoz you also edited human manager@you. human manager don't have the training attribute. that's why the game crash.


the best way is to mass edit staff according to their job. go to search me, scroll down on job in contract section n choose asst man, scout, physio etc... this way you can put the correct attribute for your staffs.


even if you put them all on legend, a couple of weeks or so their attribute will decrease. you'll have to edit the again because the 200 PA doesn't mean all attribute will be 20. check their attribute every week so that you can edit when they go down.


but if you are lazy, just put the discipline attribute more than 20. this way when the attribute go down it doesn't affect the stars so much. i usually put 40 but i think the max is 200. warning!!! if you put your asst man discipline more than 20 he will be very aggressive in team talk and press conference (if you assign him). sometime to a point that players unhappy with team talk or reacted badly after press conference. 

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