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  • FM 3D Kit Editor

    FM 3D Kit Editor (FMKE) is our most recent tool for Football Manager, it will be released later in November.


    FMKE will help you create your own 3D kit, you just need to choose or edit the images (for shirts, logos, badges) for each part of the kit, FMKE does all the rest!


    Let's see how it works


    First step - Create an empty kit





    Next step - Add images

    Well an empty kit's isn't funny, so now is the time for us to build each part of the kit (shirt, shorts, sleeves, socks, ...)


    For this example, let's grab an image for Juventus shirt from the web to use as our shirt




    Now that we have our Front Shirt, we must crop it, and leave only the shirt without sleeves


    Next step - Customize Images


    Cool, we have our Front Shirt almost ready!


    But, what if we could change it? How about replace some colors? Let's do it!



    FMKE allows you to customize an image, by changing some properties (Hue, Brightness, Contrast) or replacing a color with another


    And here it is, our front shirt is ready!




    Now we would need to do the same for the rest of the parts (back shirt, sleeves, socks, shorts, etc)..


    Next step - Export

    FMKE will export your kit to FM file format (xml + png), you just have to install the kit as you would do with any other custom kit 
    (copy it to Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\graphics\kits)


    Final step - Let's use it!


    Here it is, our team using our new custom kit!



    Frequently asked questions

    • How is this different from editing kits with FMRTE?
      FMRTE has some basic kit editing features, it allows you to change colors, and styles, nothing else.
      FMKE on the other hand, allows you to create your own kits, you can add your own images, logos, badges into a kit.
      Note: Kits made with FMKE are only visible in the 3D match engine, they aren't visible anywhere else.
    • Do I need FMRTE to use FMKE?
      No. FMKE and FMRTE are two distinct products. FMRTE allows you to edit clubs kits and colors, but to customize a 3D kit, you need FMKE.

    Edited by BraCa

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