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  • Player attributes change back after a few games

    Ticket solved.
    David Hale
    Priority: Undefined
    Edition: FMRTE 20
    Game Store:
    Game Version:

    I've looked on the search bar and looked in discussions and open tickets but I don't see anything on this.


    Whenever I edit a player in game I click save and click continue in FM20 the next day or event the players attributes change to what I want which is fantastic. But after a few games the players make huge steps backward most stats will go from perfect 20's to 15 or less in some cases. The preferred moves also disappear so I'm having to constantly re-apply these changes every few games to my players so that they stay at a perfect 20 attributes and use the preferred moves that I want them to use such as places shots, uses flair, gets crowd going etc..


    I don't understand why this is happening. I have saved in different ways where I would save the change move forward in game then re-load the FMRTE but no matter what combination of ways I try to save it doesn't work - they always go backward after a few games...


    Can you help me with this please? 



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    It's probably the game balancing the player attributes, there's nothing we can do to prevent that.


    You can try to make the player more realistic, or use FMRTE to freeze the attributes.




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