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matias suarez the ghoul

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Thought I'd let anyone know who has had this issue themselves where the wage bill goes billions randomly that i found out what it is - maybe this has been figured out already but couldn't find any posts for it. I used the "move to club" function for a couple of players and suddenly my weekly wage bill was in excess of £500,000,000.00 and i had no idea why i checked all the players wages and checked all the players I'd moved to make sure they didn't have any clauses that had gone berserk. I found nothing, however i did a search for all players appearance fees and one player who i'd never edited had an appearance fee of more that a billion, as soon as i removed that it returned to normal! He wasn't inline to play but if I'd had an injury crisis he may well've hit the jackpot!

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2 hours ago, matias suarez the ghoul said:

Thought I'd let anyone know who has had this issue themselves where the wage bill goes billions randomly that i found out what it is - maybe this has been figured out already but couldn't find any posts for it. I used the "move to club" function for a couple of players and suddenly my weekly wage bill was in excess of £500,000,000.00 and i had no idea why i checked all the players wages and checked all the players I'd moved to make sure they didn't have any clauses that had gone berserk. I found nothing, however i did a search for all players appearance fees and one player who i'd never edited had an appearance fee of more that a billion, as soon as i removed that it returned to normal! He wasn't inline to play but if I'd had an injury crisis he may well've hit the jackpot!

Really? How did that get there?

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